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  • Developing an Internship Program

Developing an Internship Program

  • April 09, 2013
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Georgia Center UGA Campus


  • For non-members
  • Normal monthly meeting announcement

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Our next Athens Area SHRM meeting will be on Tuesday April 9, 2013 at The Georgia Center. Networking will begin at 5:30pm followed by dinner and our program.

Please register by Friday April 5th so that we can have an accurate count of attendees.

Our program for April will be “Developing an Internship Program” presented by Michelle Carter & Aaron Brown from the UGA Career Center.  The presenters will discuss the benefits of developing an internship program, dispel myths regarding internship programs, review National Associations of Colleges and Employers (NACE) & Department of Labor criteria, cover issues regarding paid vs. unpaid internships, how to market your internship program and establishing relationships with local colleges and universities.

Aaron Brown is the Student Employment Manager at the University of Georgia Career Center.  He has been assisting UGA students with part-time jobs, internships and job shadow opportunities in Atlanta, Athens and other exotic locations. Aaron also answers regular questions from employers on how to recruit interns at UGA. He also organizes two employment fairs for UGA students and local business and other campus events. Aaron has always been in the field of marketing, sales and customer service throughout his professional career including meaningful time at a software startup in California, a parts supplier for the manufacturing industry, or with the Career Center in Athens. Aaron earned his Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education from Fresno State University.

Michelle Carter is the Assistant Director of Employer Relations for the University of Georgia Career Center. She coordinates the on campus recruiting process with over 500 employers who actively recruit for full-time and internship positions through the UGA Career Center. She has assisted countless number of employers develop strategic recruiting plans that meet or exceed hiring goals for internships and full-time positions. Michelle has over 12 years of experience in higher education with focus in the area of customer service, supervision, training, and coaching and development. Michelle graduated from Mississippi State University with a Master of Science in Counselor Education in College Student Development and Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with emphasis in Biology and General Science.


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