11:30 am - Lunch
11:45 am - 1 pm - Planning
1 pm - Dismissal
If you are currently serving on our Board of Directors, or are interested in serving, please join us for a planning meeting.
Board Meeting Location:
The purpose of the Athens Area Chapter of SHRM is to provide a forum for the professional development of our membership:
To raise the standards of performance in all phases of human resource management.
To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among the membership relative to every phase of human resource management:
Health; Safety and Security
Training and Development
Compensation and Benefits
Employee and Labor Relations
Selection and Placement
To promote adherence to the Chapter’s Code of Professional Responsibility among our members.
To provide a focus for legislative attention to state and national human resource management issues.
To support the purposes of SHRM, which are to promote the use of sound and ethical human resource management practices in the profession.
© AASHRM - Athens Area Society for Human Resource Management