Our Athens Area SHRM Chapter will be meeting Tuesday, February 21 , 2012 at the Georgia Center. Networking will begin at 5:30pm followed by dinner and presentation.
Please register by January 16 , 2011 so that we can have an accurate count of attendees.
For our February 2012 meeting, Mr. David A. Cole will present "The Top 10 Employment Policies Every Employer Should Have." In this presentation, Mr. Cole will discuss the importance of having a thorough employee handbook and the most critical policies that should be included. Topics that will be covered include EEO policies and complaint procedures, non-compete agreements and other restrictive covenants, Internet and social media policies, overtime policies, attendance and leave policies, and arbitration agreements. Mr. Cole will discuss what provisions to include in these policies, how to implement them in your workplace, and how to use them to their fullest advantage to improve employee performance and minimize your company's risk in the event of litigation.
David A. Cole is an attorney with the law firm of Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP, who focuses his practice exclusively in advising and representing employers in labor and employment law matters.
Directions to the Georgia Center
© AASHRM - Athens Area Society for Human Resource Management